Chinmaya Vidyalaya Begumpet Admission 2015-2016
Chinmaya Vidyalaya Begumpet is located in Hyderabad and was established in the year 1993. This school is a Private school which offers equal educational opportunity to the girls and boys. This school is following the syllabus pattern of Central Board of Secondary Education CBSE, Delhi. The medium of instruction in Chinmaya Vidyalaya is English. This school is very spacious and covers the 2.90 acres of land. This school has Dance & Music room which shows that school gives equal importance to academic and extra-curriculum activities.
Chinmaya Vidyalaya Kundan Bagh BegumpetProfile |
Established | 1993 |
Principal: | Mr. N S SRINIVAS |
Address: | Sandeepany Kailas, Kundanbagh, Begumpet, Hyderabad, Telangana 500016
Contact No: | 040 23418012 |
Email ID: | chinmayavidyalaya_hyd(@) principal.chinmayavidyalaya(@) |
School Website: | |
Facilities offered by Chinmaya Vidyalaya Kundan Bagh Begumpet |
Classrooms | Yes |
Library | Yes |
Computer Lab | Yes |
Swimming pool | Yes |
Indoor games | Yes |
Dance room | Yes |
Gymnasium | No |
Music room | Yes |
Hostel | No |
Sports | Football, Cricket, Kabaddi, Badminton, Volley Ball, Kho-Kho, Tennis, Karate, Yoga, Carrom and Chess |
Health and medical check-up | Yes |
Bus transportation | No |
Chinmaya Vidyalaya Kundan Bagh Begumpet Admission 2015-2016
Parents are requested to visit the school for collecting all the necessary detailsyou can also collect information by using this details
Chinmaya Vidyalaya Kundan Bagh Begumpet Fees structure:
Details of fee structure
Nil Rs. 22,500/- Rs. 24,300/- Rs. 27,600/- Rs. 31,200/- Rs. 33,000/- Rs. 38,100/- |
Documents demanded:
- Xerox copy of Birth certificate.
- 4 Passport size photos of child and parents.
- Copy of the passport if foreign applicant
- Community certificate if from lower section of society
- Transfer certificate of the student from the last school.
Chinmaya Vidyalaya Kundan Bagh Begumpet Location:
Address: Sandeepany Kailas,Kundanbagh,
Telangana 500016
Phone no:040 23418012