UPMCAT 2015 Exam Dates | Application Form
UPMCAT 2015 (Uttar Pradesh Management Common Aptitude Test) is an entrance examination to grant students admission into diverse 2nd year regular MBA / MMS / MIBM / MMEM / MTM / MCM / MFC management courses provided in various private as well as government institutions, universities and colleges in Uttar Pradesh. Uttar Pradesh Technical University (UPTU) conducts the UPMCAT examinations. Applicants are offered admission on the basis of their merit in UPMCAT. Applicants who are in the merit list of the UPMCAT examination are then called for group discussion and personal interview. UPMCAT examination is generally held in the month of May.
Following are the UPMCAT 2015 eligibility criteria:-
The syllabus of UPMCAT 2015 includes 4 subjects. They are as follows:
Paper Pattern
UPMCAT 2015 examination is usually held in the month of May. Tentative dates are in the third week of May. No official dates have been released yet. Keep visiting our site for any updates. We will inform you as soon as possible.
UPMCAT 2015 Eligibility Criteria
Following are the UPMCAT 2015 eligibility criteria:-
- Only applicants from Indian nationality can apply for this particular course.
- Applicants from valid universities or institutions from all over India can apply for this course, except for Motilal Nehru Regional Engineering College – MNREC Allahabad, now also called as National Institute of Technology (NIT) Allahabad.
- A valid 3 years Bachelor’s degree from any university or institution is required from any respective course.
- Applicants who are pursuing final year of their graduation or have finished their graduation, but are waiting for their results can also apply for this course.
- There is no age bar.
- Candidates of all ages are eligible for this course.
UPMCAT 2015 Syllabus & Paper Pattern
The syllabus of UPMCAT 2015 includes 4 subjects. They are as follows:
- Verbal ability
- Quantitative aptitude
- Logical and abstract reasoning
- Knowledge of current affairs.
Paper Pattern
- A total of 100 objective type questions will be asked in the written examination.
- Each question will have 4 options, and the applicant has to choose the correct answer.
- The time duration of this particular exam is 2 hours.
- Applicants who clear the written examination are then called for the group discussion followed by personal interview.
UPMCAT 2015 Exam Dates
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